Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Whose coming, [ parousia (G3952), Antichrist's: marking the contrast to the parousia (G3952), 'personal presence,' of Christ] "is" - in essential character.

After - according to [ kata (G2596): such as might be looked for from] the 'energy' of Satan, as opposed to the Holy Spirit's energy in the Church (note, Ephesians 1:19). As Christ is to God, so is Antichrist to Satan, his manifested embodiment: Satan works through him (Revelation 13:2).

With - Greek, 'IN:' invested with.

Lying wonders - literally, 'wonders (prodigies) of falsehood.' His 'power, signs, and wonders,' have falsehood for their base, essence, and aim (John 8:44) (Alford). Matthew 24:24 shows that the miracles shall be real, though demoniac: such mysterious effects as we read of by the Egyptian sorcerers; not such as Jesus performed in character, power, or aim: for they are against the revealed Word, and therefore not to be accepted as evidences of truth; nay, on the authority of that sure Word, to be rejected as in support of falsehood (Deuteronomy 13:1; Deuteronomy 13:5; Galatians 1:8; Revelation 13:11; Revelation 19:20). The same three terms occur for miracles of Joshua, Acts 2:22; Hebrews 2:4, showing that as the Egyptian magician imitated Moses (2 Timothy 3:1), so Antichrist imitates Christ's works as a "sign," or proof of divinity.

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