Book. This mystery would require a large explanation. (Worthington) --- Pen. Literally, "style." (Haydock) --- Write intelligibly. Here all is plain. (Calmet) --- Take. Protestants, "concerning Mahershalalchashbaz." Marginal note, "in making speed to the spoil, he hasteneth the prey." (Haydock) --- Chashbaz, the son of Isaias, was a sign that Syria and Israel should soon be rendered desolate; and in a more elevated sense, he shewed that Christ should overturn the powers of hell. (Calmet) --- The virgin's son [Jesus Christ] took the prey from the devil, who before possessed almost all the world. (Worthington) --- Urias. Probably the high priest, who afterwards weakly complied with the king's idolatrous order, 4 Kings xvi. 10. (Calmet) --- Yet at this time, he was a credible witness. (Haydock) --- Zacharias. A person to us unknown. (Calmet)

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