To him. The wicked are very selfish. They will seem grateful to those who are in power, and will cringe to get riches. (Haydock) --- Yea, they will seem to thank God for their prosperity, (Worthington) or rather, they will assume these appearances with men. Hebrew, "he will bless his soul during life, (Berthier) with all pleasures," Luke xii. 19., and Deuteronomy xxix. 19. (Calmet) --- To him, is not in Hebrew, which insinuates, that people are flattered during their prosperity. (Haydock) --- Yet Houbigant would restore this word, "and he will praise thee when thou shalt have done him a kindness;" c may have been placed for i, as Symmachus seems to have read Greek: auto. (Haydock) --- The proper use of riches is to do good, Luke xvi. 9.

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