Psalms 52:1

_Maeleth, or Machalath. A musical instrument, or a chorus of musicians: for St. Jerome renders it, per chorum; (Challoner) and Aquila, "for dancing." Sixtus V, &c., read incorrectly, "for Amalec." --- The psalm is nearly the same with the 13th, (Calmet) except ver. 6. (Menochius) --- We know not the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 52:6

_God hath scattered the bones, &c. That is, God hath brought to nothing the strength of all those that seek to please men, to the prejudice of their duty to their Maker. (Challoner) --- That. Hebrew, "who besiege thee. Thou hast confounded them, because," &c. Septuagint seem to have read more correc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 52:7

_Glad. The Fathers explain this of Christ's redemption. The captives doubted not but that they should be speedily set at liberty, as the prophets had assured them. (Calmet)_... [ Continue Reading ]

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