The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

The apostle here announces his visit, to be expected in the near future: Having much to write to you I did not want to do so by paper and ink; but I hope to get to you and speak to you face and [to] face, that our joy may be complete. St. John has by no means exhausted his fund of doctrine and admonition; his heart was so full that he might have committed many more thoughts to paper. But he felt that writing was a poor medium of communication. It is easy to state general principles, but their application to individual cases is a delicate task, demanding a knowledge of the special circumstances in each case. But when he should see them face to face, he would be able to give them such information as would be of the greatest value to them. In this way both his own joy and theirs would be fulfilled. They would be sure of their proper conduct under all circumstances and would have a perfect joy in the Lord, knowing that they were walking in the paths of His righteousness, in the ways of His will.

In concluding, John sends greetings to the entire family to whom his letter was addressed from the addressee's own sister, who lived at Ephesus, who desired to be thus remembered to her. The early Christians did not forget the obligations of relationship and of spiritual fellowship, thus affording a lesson to us also in this respect.

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