Serve Christ by Serving Others

Matthew 25:31-46

We are called to watch the procedure of God's moral government. This is primarily a forecast of the judgment of the nations, Matthew 25:32. It would seem as though, in the first instance, their doom will be largely affected by their treatment of the Hebrew people, the brethren of Jesus after the flesh, Matthew 25:40. Probably this parable is being enacted before our eyes-Spain in the Cuban war and Russia today.

But the parable has a wider range. Our Lord evidently identifies Himself, not so much with great causes as with all who are weary and heavy laden, who are sorrowful or sinful, who have drifted into the hospitals and prisons of the world. None are too desolate and sorrowful to attract His loving notice, and He hails as “blessed” all who sympathize with and help them. In the closing verse, it should be noticed that in the r.v. the word eternal stands in each clause; and it should be remembered that it stands for a quality of existence which is altogether independent of time.

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