Under the sixth seal we have seen and heard the portents of coming divine intervention. At the sounding of the seventh seal these will be resumed. Chapter seven describes a pause, and first deals with events on earth. Restraining angels are seen holding in check the hurricane of divine judgment.

After the account of the sealing of an elect number, the seer turns to contemplate a vision in heaven. It is that of a multitude so great that no man could number it. The multitude was diverse and yet unified. The diversity was of earth. National peculiarities, tribal characteristics, popular distinctions, and lingual differences are all still apparent. This earthly variety is incorporate in heaven's harmony. All stand before the throne, equally ready for service.

This great multitude is composed of those who had come out of the great tribulation. They are now seen in heaven. Very beautiful and tender is the description of their condition. Service has superseded suffering, and all sorrow has been banished. The salvation they celebrate has lifted them to a place of immeasurable blessedness.

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