‘And immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales, and he received his sight, and he arose and was baptised, and he took food and was strengthened. And he was certain days with the disciples that were at Damascus.'

Immediately he had spoken these words Saul's eye were opened and his sight was restored. And with that he arose and was baptised. We may reasonable assume that this was after further words of explanation. Then he took food and was strengthened. However, the mention of baptism first would suggest that Saul was eager for it to take place as soon as possible, even before he had eaten. With his usual impatient zeal he could not wait to be made one with Christ. ‘Took food and was strengthened' is again probably intended to be seen as meaning both physically and spiritually. Preparation is taking place for his soon coming ministry. Saul is going through a kind of ‘resurrection experience'

Then he spent a number of days with the disciples in Damascus finding his feet and becoming acquainted with his erstwhile enemies. How differently he saw them now.

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