The Second Call To Repentance (Amos 5:14).

So the call went out to those who would hear to seek good and not evil so that they might enjoy fullness of life, and in order that YHWH might truly be ‘with them' (as they claimed that He would be at their feasts).

Amos 5:14

‘Seek good, and not evil, that you may live, and so YHWH, the God of hosts, will be with you, as you say.'

Previously the people have been urged to seek YHWH. Now they are called on to seek good. That is not because seeking good is the same as seeking YHWH, but because those who seek YHWH must also seek good. YHWH and goodness go together. Having true life depends on seeking good and not evil, and the consequence was that those who did so would have YHWH the God of hosts with them, just as men claimed when they gathered to worship. It is apparent that the cry ‘God is with us' was one that was prominent in their worship (compare Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 8:10 where Immanuel means ‘God is with us').

However, whilst the call was undoubtedly to all, it was especially directed to the prudent who kept silent (Amos 5:13). They needed encouragement in the hard times, and he wanted to assure them that they would not lose out by seeking good and not evil, for thereby they at least would enjoy fullness of life, even in the coming darkness

Amos 5:15

‘Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish justice in the gate, it may be that YHWH, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.'

So again it is emphasised that they were to hate what was evil and love what was good, and especially they were to be concerned with the establishing of true justice. A fair society is a good society. It is difficult to see how Israel as a whole could be called ‘a remnant' in the peaceful and prosperous times of Jeroboam II when the kingdom had expanded, and the idea is therefore probably that the righteous remnant who did respond (or had already responded) could hope for YHWH's favour in the dark times ahead.

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