‘And from the time that a league is made with him he will work deceitfully, for he will come up and become strong with a small people.'

This probably refers to his behaviour with Israel. He removed Onias and made his agreement with Jason, the replacement high priest (2Ma 4:7-22), and then rescinded it in favour of a higher bidder, Menelaus (2Ma 4:23-29). This was then followed by his later treacherous behaviour towards Israel when his general slaughtered many of them on the Sabbath (when most would not fight), having professed to come in peace. Less likely is that it refers to his later alliance with Egypt (see Daniel 11:25), for then we would expect mention of the king of the south. The Egyptian king was now Ptolemy VI, whom he would deceive, wooing him and the Egyptian people with friendship, and then defeating them, but this is mentioned below. This was in accordance with his normal treacherous behaviour. He believed in winning friendship, and then following it with betrayal when it suited him. Or the verse may be outlining the general principles on which he worked.

‘He will come up and become strong with a small people.' This may be describing his general rise to power as a result of his various activities. Syria was by now fairly small, but he was gradually expanding his power base. But the ‘small people' may refer to his support within Israel from the Hellenisers who were not at this time large in numbers, which enabled him to be accepted there.

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