Rather Than Seeking Vengeance Yahweh Will Have Mercy On Them (Deuteronomy 32:34).

Deuteronomy 32:34

“Is not this stored up with me,

Sealed up among my treasures?

Vengeance is mine, and recompense,

At the time when their foot shall slip.

For the day of their calamity is at hand,

And the things that are to come on them will do so speedily.”

Yahweh again takes up the narrative. The wicked will not finally triumph, whether they be the unfaithful in Israel or their adversaries. Within His treasure house Yahweh has stored up what the wicked are and what they have done, and will take vengeance on His enemies (compare Deuteronomy 32:42). For ‘Vengeance is His', and He will recompense. This is a general statement applied to this particular situation. One day their foot will slip and calamity will come on them, and what is to come on them will come on them speedily. While He may for a time make use of peoples who are equally sinful, yet in the end they too must face judgment (compare Isaiah 10:5). Note that vengeance is connected with recompense. It is not arbitrary vengeance, but vengeance on those deserving of it.

Paul reminds us that God is not mocked. He may nor reveal His anger immediately but we can be sure that those who sow to the flesh will reap corruption Galatians 6:7). What we set our hearts on will determine our future.

Deuteronomy 32:36

“For Yahweh will judge (or ‘vindicate') his people,

And repent himself for his servants,

When he sees that their strength is gone,

And there is none, whether prisoner or free.”

Once again the narrative is taken up by the singer. The parallel shows that the judging here is positive, as with the judges in Judges. It signifies ruling over them as righteous Overlord. Because Yahweh sees that the strength of His people has gone, and that all whether prisoner or free are weak and helpless, He will step in on their behalf and act as their vindicator. He will pass a right judgment concerning them, having a change of mind on their behalf. He will again be their Overlord.

What a good thing it is for us that God is so merciful. For even when we have failed Him so badly He comes to seek to restore us to what we should be.

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