A Final Summary of What Yahweh Has Done (Exodus 11:9).

Exodus 11:9

‘And Yahweh had said to Moses, “Pharaoh will not listen to you in order that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.” And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh, and Yahweh made Pharaoh's heart strong and he did not let the children of Israel go out of the land.'

These words summarise all that has gone before. They refer to what is past and indicate that the story is now coming to its climax. All that now remains is the final episode. The tension is mounting.

There is an indication here that Yahweh had given Egypt a unique opportunity. They had seen what He could do. They could have come to Him and sought Him. But they did not do so. Like Pharaoh their hearts were hardened. But in the end it was Yahweh Who had brought this about, so that with one last judgment He might obtain the release of His people. However much Pharaoh might have felt himself in control it was Yahweh Who had brought things to this stage in order that His great wonders might be revealed in a never to be forgotten way. For Yahweh had declared from the beginning that He would smite Pharaoh's firstborn because of his intransigence (Exodus 4:23). And that is what happened.

Those who think that signs and wonders are the answer to bringing people to Christ should consider what happened here. There had been signs and wonders enough. But none had softened Pharaoh's heart or convinced most of the Egyptians. People convinced by signs and wonders soon turn away once the signs and wonders are forgotten. Even the final wonder that ‘multiplied the wonders' for it affected so many would leave people distraught rather than believing.

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