‘For we do not have here an abiding city, but we seek after the coming city.'

So our eyes are not to be on the earthly Jerusalem. It had become a rejected and defiled city, a corrupt city (Revelation 11:8), a city which would not abide and would indeed shortly to be destroyed. For Christian's do not have here an abiding city. Jerusalem as a religious centre is now not for God's people. Indeed we do not want a city bound to earth at all. We have left that city and rather seek that city which is to come, the Jerusalem above (Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:26), that city that we can ‘come to' even now (Hebrews 12:22), which represents all the true people of God, the city which is at present unseen to naked eye (although visible to the spiritual eye), but whose full glory will be revealed in the future, the new heavenly Jerusalem which has no part in this world except as in Christ it has as some of its citizens true believers who are still temporarily lodging here, but as citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem (Philippians 3:20). There is now no future for earthly cities in the final purposes of God.

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