Chapter 13.

This final chapter begins with further exhortations to the people to whom the letter is addressed. The exhortation is to the love of fellow-Christians, followed by how that love can practically be revealed. They are especially to,

1) Show loving hospitality to ‘foreign' Christian visitors.

2) Care for those in bonds for Christ's sake, showing them true love.

3) Ensure the establishment of truly loving godly marriages and avoid sexual misbehaviour.

4) Be free from the love of money, which would destroy their love for God and for others.

5) Look obediently to faithful leaders in loving response.

6) Not listen to false teachings which would destroy their love for one another.

Together with the original urge to reveal brotherly love these instructions make up seven in total, the number of divine perfection, and each relates in some way to brotherly love. The first two are examples of outgoing love, both at home and outside; the second two are examples of the major moral dangers facing Christians which could affect their love for one another; and the third two warn of the need to respond to godly leaders and beware of heresy in order that their love may be maintained.

They can also be summed up as showing true love for fellow-Christians, especially those in need, controlling and rightly using needs and urges, both sexual and wealth related, and the importance of obtaining true teaching and avoiding false. We must revel in love, self control and truth.

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