‘And the pride of Israel testifies to his face,

And Israel and Ephraim will stumble in their iniquity,

Judah also will stumble with them.'

Indeed He is aware of their pride and self-reliance which testifies to His face (or their own face), revealed both in their false worship and their social injustice (Hosea 4:2). By their actions they are boldly declaring to His face that they want nothing to do with Him and His covenant. The word for ‘testify' is a legal word. They are making their statement as if in a court of law. They are acting as their own accusers.

Consequently He will make them stumble and fall, and because of Judah's participation in events Judah will stumble and fall with them. This is an advance on the previous exemption of Judah (Hosea 1:7). Time has moved on. Judah are now becoming more involved with Israel's apostasy as a result of being attracted to their cultic centres. He had warned them in Hosea 4:15, but they had not listened. Now they too are in danger of ‘stumbling'. The idea of stumbling in such contexts always leads to a fall.

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