‘And let us know, let us follow on to know YHWH. His going forth is sure as the morning, and he will come to us as the rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth.'

The second appeal is that they might again truly ‘know YHWH' and go on knowing Him continually. Contrast here Hosea 4:1; Hosea 5:4. And this will be brought about by the activity of YHWH Whose going forth is as certain as the coming of morning after nightfall, and Who will come as fruitbearing rain that waters the earth (Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 44:1; Isaiah 55:10). It is the latter rain that waters the sown seed and ensures that it becomes fruitful in the hot climate. So YHWH's promise is that He will act like rain upon His repentant people, a picture taken up and used by John the Baptist with all his references to grain and fruit growing in terms of the coming Spirit Who will be provided by the Coming One, ‘He will drench you with the Holy Spirit'.

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