‘And they have not cried to me with their heart,

But they howl on their beds,

They assemble themselves for grain and new wine,

They rebel against me.'

For rather than calling on YHWH from their hearts, they have howled to Baal from their cushion beds which they had placed around his altar as they assembled in order to seek to obtain grain and wine (compare Amos 2:8; Isaiah 57:7; Micah 2:1). One of the rituals in the worship of Baal was the mournful howling that accompanied the idea of his ‘death' when everything died in the dry season (only to be followed by rejoicing when he came back to life, when the seed and bushes sprang to life, indicating the beginning of a new harvest) These beds would also be the very ones on which they performed adultery with the cult prostitutes, which they claimed was a means of bringing about a ‘sympathetic' birth of nature, following Baal's death. And it was all a sign of rebellion against YHWH.

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