‘His disciples did not understand this at first, but when Jesus was glorified they then remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him'.

Even the disciples did not get the point about His action immediately, an important fact to note. Only Jesus really knew what He was doing. For we must remember that they were used to such welcomes by the crowds at Passover time and they were still not fully clear as to Who and What Jesus was even though they recognised His Messiahship, a Messiahship that He had warned them would tinged with suffering (Mark 8:28). But once Jesus was glorified (crucified, and raised to God's right hand) they would remember what had happened. Later, the Holy Spirit drew their attention to the Scriptures, to what ‘was written about Him', and they realised the significance of the event. They recognised that there Jesus had made His claim to be the coming King and unconsciously the crowd had welcomed their triumphant king.

John constantly draws attention to these unconscious prophecies. First Caiaphas (John 11:49), then Mary (John 12:1) and now the crowds. God was at work in men's subconscious, emphasising the importance of what was taking place before men's eyes.

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