“And in that day you will ask me nothing. In very truth I tell you, if you will ask anything of the Father he will give it to you in my name. Hitherto you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive that your joy may be fulfilled ”

‘In that day you will ask me nothing.' This is still in the context of John 16:13 which has been interrupted by the brief discussion. Up to now Jesus has been the source of all their understanding, of all their learning, and has provided for all their needs. When they have had a question they have come to Him. When they have needed anything they have looked to Him. But now it is no longer Him to Whom they will come. Instead they will directly approach the Father through the Spirit.

‘If you ask anything of the Father he will give it to you in my name.' When they need help in their ministry, and especially when they need help in understanding God and His ways, they can ask the Father and He will give it to them. The Spirit will take of what is Christ's and the Father's and will declare it to them (John 16:14). Jesus is now leaving them and He is seeking to direct their thoughts and attention to the Father. From now on it is to Him that they should look. All the supplies of Heaven are now available to them.

The promise may be seen as inclusive of other things than just the wisdom and understanding that comes from God, but, in so far as it is, it is directed towards the fulfilment of their ministry. This is no blanket promise that any Christian can have whatever he wants. It is the promise that as they seek to fulfil their service to Him and in His name, they can receive from Him and in His name all that is needed.

These were dedicated men who thought only of fulfilling the Master's will and the promise is given in that light. When we take these words and apply them to our own selfish needs we make light of them. When we pray seeking something for ourselves we are not praying ‘in His name', we are asking in our own name, whatever the words we use. It is when we seek His help in making us more fit to serve Him and seek strength from Him in fulfilling His work that we are going in His name. ‘Seek first the Rule of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you' (Matthew 6:33).

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