“In that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will pray the Father for you, for the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came forth from the Father.”

This verse for ever puts to an end the claim that we need Mary or the saints to pray for us. Indeed it tells us that even the intercession of Jesus is not strictly necessary for those who are committed to Him, because the Father loves them so much.

Of course Jesus will discuss us with the Father, but not because the Father needs persuading of anything. And He will carry out His High Priestly intercession, applying His work of atonement and sanctification to His people, a work which no other can do. But receiving answers to prayer for assistance in their work for Him do not require His intercession because of the direct interest of the Father in their work.

So when the disciples ask ‘in His name' in order to obtain assistance in carrying out His work they can be sure the Father will answer because of the regard the Father has for them. This regard is due to the fact that they have believed that Jesus really did come from the Father. It is because of their response to Him.

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