“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is expedient for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Paraclete will not come to you. But if I go I will send him to you.”

So now He will show them where He is going. He is going to the place from where He can send the Holy Spirit to them. And He points out that this means that, although it may not seem like it, His departure will be best possible thing for them. For until He has offered Himself for the sins of many (Mark 10:45) they cannot know the full work of the Spirit acting in the world. Thus His departure will not be the disaster that they think, but will be a springboard into the future, a preparation for glorious success. It will not the final tragic end to a promising ministry. Up to now they have been at school. Now they are to graduate and begin the task for which He has trained them, assisted by the greatest power of all time.

We should note the emphasis on the fact that the Holy Spirit cannot become the major player until Jesus has gone. There could not be separate activities of the Triune God on earth which conflicted with each other. Whilst Jesus was present the concentration had to be on Him. But now that He was going the outstanding work of the Spirit prophesied by the prophets could begin.

‘The Paraclete'. The One ‘called alongside' (parakaleo) to help. The revealer of truth (John 14:16; John 14:26). The One Who will make real to them the continued presence of the risen Jesus (John 16:14), and will make His truth known to them (John 14:26; John 16:13). And particularly here, along with John 15:26, the One Who will minister through them to the world.

‘If I do not go --.' Until He has offered Himself for the sins of the world the work of God will be limited. Once He has gone the full flow can begin.

‘I will send him to you.' Jesus Himself has the authority to send the Holy Spirit to them. Indeed He will minister the Holy Spirit to them Himself (see John 20:22). Once again He assumes that He has divine authority.

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