‘These are they who make separations, sensual, having not the Spirit.'

And these people who thus mock God are causers of division and examples of sensual behaviour, who attract others into the same. They are wholly devoid of the Spirit, for whatever they appear to offer, it is not of God. This was in fact the very opposite of what they boasted.

We should in fact beware of any teaching that takes us away from the idea of Jesus Christ as crucified, raised, and exalted in His flesh (1Co 1:18; 1 Corinthians 2:2; Philippians 3:10). The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to point to Him (John 16:13), and our union with Him is to be seen as by our becoming one with Him in His spiritual body. It is through God made man that the Father has wrought His deliverance, One Who has been exalted as man. Thus we are saved through Him as we are, as men and women in the body. In the words of Paul He preserves spirit, soul and body for that Day (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We are not saved as souls or spirits but as people. So while we know Him through the Spirit we must not spiritualise Him away. All our thoughts are to be centred on Him as God made man, and mediator as such between God and  man  (1 Timothy 2:5).

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