Judges 12:9 a

‘And he had thirty sons, and thirty daughters whom he sent abroad, and took in thirty daughters from abroad for his sons.'

This was a sign of his prestige and wealth. It would appear that he was polygamous but encouraged his sons to be monogamous. His family gave him wide influence, for his daughters no doubt made influential matches, cementing alliances with important families and clans, and he would marry his sons well with the same idea in mind. ‘Thirty' is probably a round number to indicate perfect completeness (three intensified). ‘Sent abroad', that is, away from the family home. This brings home even more deeply the sacrifice that Jephthah made in order to please God when he gave his only daughter.

Judges 12:9

‘And he judged Israel seven years. And Ibzan died, and was buried in Bethlehem.'

He died at the end of his divinely perfect judgeship, and was buried in his native place, in the family grave.

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