“But God said to him, You foolish one, this night is your soul required of you, and the things which you have prepared, whose shall they be?”

But that night God told him what a fool he was. For far from enjoying many years of luxury while others starved, that night his inner spirit, his ‘soul', was to be required of him. And then he would have to leave all his wealth behind (compare Psalms 39:6). And others would enjoy the benefits that he had sought for himself. And he would be left with nothing (compare Luke 16:22). For he had not stored up treasure in heaven. Thus all he would possess was a cold dark grave.

‘You fool.' Compare Luke 11:40; Psalms 14:1, and often in Proverbs. A fool in Scripture is one who has not heeded God's word and God's wisdom. Many would have said how wise this man was. He was securing his future. God says he was a fool because he was ignoring his real future.

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