‘And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him.'

We are now introduced to an unofficial representative of the godly in Israel (He was God's choice for the purpose). His name was Simeon. Any attempt to seek to identify him with anyone known from history is futile. Simeon was too common a name. He represented those who were righteous and devout, fulfilling God's Law from a loving and obedient heart, and who ‘looked for the consolation of Israel' (compare Isaiah 40:1), that is, for God's final deliverance and blessing through the Messiah. And he was a man on whom was the Holy Spirit. Here we have an example of one on whom was the Spirit continually, not for the purpose of some supernatural manifestation in inspired words, but in daily life, as indicated in Psalms 51:10; Psalms 139:7; Psalms 143:10.

‘Devout (eulabes).' The word means ‘to take well hold of' and therefore ‘to be cautious'. Then it came to mean ‘caution in spiritual things, careful to please God'.

‘The consolation (paraklesin) of Israel.' Jesus said the Holy Spirit would be the parakletos. The word means ‘the comforting, the strengthening, the encouragement' and the idea was that it would be through the Messiah as the Holy Spirit was poured forth, an experience which would be common to many as individuals.

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