‘And he began to say to them, “Today has this scripture been fulfilled in your ears.” '

There would have been a great stirring at His next words for He declared, “Today has this Scripture been fulfilled in your ears.” Here was a clear declaration that He was present among them as the Spirit anointed Prophet, (as what had happened after His baptism had made clear to Him). ‘Today' stressed that in Him God's promised period of salvation was now commencing. We can imagine the astonished looks that passed between them as what He had said came home to them. Here was the local carpenter, and what claims He was making for Himself.

That this description of the anointing of the Holy Spirit was Jesus' own interpretation of what had happened after His baptism should be noted by all who wish to actually be true to Scripture. While He was there declared to be both King and Servant, we learn here that He saw His anointing with the Holy Spirit as essentially as a Prophet, ready for His ministry.

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