‘ And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my chosen, hear you him.”'

And from the cloud came a voice, declaring that Jesus was His Son and His chosen One, His Son (Psalms 2:7; John 1:14; John 1:18) and His Anointed Servant (Isaiah 42:1). Note how God takes the attention off Moses and Elijah and concentrates it on Jesus. They are not to regard the others as of primary importance but to concentrate on Him as the One to Whom Moses and Elijah had borne witness, the One Who had brought ultimate truth. He was essentially the One to Whom they had to listen, for He had come from His Father's presence as a Light into the world (John 8:12). He is a greater than Moses and the Law. He is greater than Moses or Elijah as representative of all the prophets. He is God's final Word. In the words ‘listen to Him' there is a reflection of Deuteronomy 18:15. He is God's final Voice.

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