‘And Jesus perceiving it withdrew from there, and many followed him, and he healed them all, and charged them that they should not make him known.'

Jesus, perceiving the attitude of the Pharisees, withdrew from that place. But the crowds continued to follow Him and He ‘healed them all', in both body and spirit. Then He charged them not to make a great fuss about it. He did not want to arouse attention. He wanted His ministry to go forward quietly (compare Matthew 12:19) benefiting those who sought Him, without drawing the attention of those who were not interested, and even antagonistic.

Note the way in which this introduction (which is possibly an abbreviation of Mark 3:7) thoroughly prepares for the quotation that follows. It summarises what has preceded it, describes the new change of direction that is coming, and outlines what will follow. The quotation from Isaiah, which comes after it, then also does the same demonstrating that what He is doing is in fulfilment of Scripture.

(Matthew 12:1). Jesus withdraws from the Jews of the area. This continues Jesus' estrangement from the Jews, which as we have seen has been emphasised, which will eventually lead towards His later Gentile ministry, a ministry now being prepared for in the quotation. See Matthew 12:18; Matthew 12:21. The failure of the Jews to respond will result in His going out to the nations (see below).  (Matthew 12:2). Many ‘follow' Him because He is the successful Servant of YHWH (Matthew 12:20). The lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 9:36; Matthew 10:6) are gathering to Him.  (Matthew 12:3). He heals all who come to Him because as the Servant (Matthew 12:18) He is the One Who bears their afflictions and carries their diseases (Matthew 8:17). The ‘all' indicates that even those who do not need bodily healing, find healing in Jesus (Matthew 9:12).  (Matthew 12:4). But He desires no publicity, for His ministry is to be quietly conducted, as in the quotation in Matthew 12:19. He has come for those whom His Father has given Him (John 6:37; John 10:29).

And as we have seen above what now follows looks back to the beginning of His ministry, outlines His present ministry, and then looks forward to what lies ahead, especially His movement to preaching in Gentile territories.

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