‘But Jesus called them to him, and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them” '

He points out to them that it is the way of the world, and especially of the Gentiles who are the very ones who will exercise their power against Him (Matthew 20:19), that rulers lord it over people, and great ones vaunt their authority over people. This is what sitting on a ‘throne' means to them, and it is true even of the most benevolent. Thus anyone who seeks for such a position is behaving like the Gentiles, and behaving like the Gentiles is synonymous with the worst possible type of irreligious behaviour (Matthew 5:47; Matthew 6:7; Matthew 6:32; Matthew 7:6). It is to behave as one not involved in the Kingly Rule of Heaven.

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