Numbers 29:1-6

CHAPTER 29 THE FEASTS OF THE SEVENTH MONTH. The seventh moon period contained within itself parallel ceremonies to those which took place in the first three moon periods. Each began with a special day, Passover and Atonement, these were then followed by a seven day feast, Unleavened Bread and Taber... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 29:7-11

THE DAY OF ATONEMENT (NUMBERS 29:7). Sacred in the Israelite calendar was the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh month. It was a day of affliction of the person (compare Leviticus 16:29), although we are never told in what way. On this day they were to ‘afflict themselves'. This probab... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 29:12-40

THE FEAST OF THE HARVEST MOON - TABERNACLES (NUMBERS 29:12). The climax of the festival year was the Feast of Tabernacles. It was at that feast that every seven years the whole of Israel were to gather for the reading of the full covenant (Deuteronomy 31:10). It was to include men, women, children... [ Continue Reading ]

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