Psalms 28 - Introduction

This Psalm commences with an earnest appeal, and finishes in the triumphant knowledge of God's salvation and watch over both the Psalmist himself, and His people. We should note that as in Psalms 26:4 the Psalmist is again concerned with the company he keeps (Psalms 28:3). This should act as a warn... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 28:1-5

THE PSALMIST EARNESTLY CALLS ON GOD TO HEAR HIS PRAYER (PSALMS 28:1). In each of these two verses the ideas fall into an abbc pattern, with each central idea then being repeated in another form. Note the contrast between the two verses. In the first the Psalmist wishes to avoid what to him is virtu... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 28:6,7

HE REJOICES BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT YHWH HAS HEARD HIM AND WILL BE HIS STRENGTH (PSALMS 28:6). His thoughts now become more positive. The negative was necessary, but now he begins to look upward. He has prayed through to a point of confidence and faith. And the more he prays the greater his faith. (‘... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 28:8,9

HE REJOICES BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT YHWH WILL BE THE PROTECTOR OF ALL HIS PEOPLE (PSALMS 28:8). But the Psalmist is not only concerned for himself. His concern is for all God's people. And he rejoices because what God is for him, He also is for them. He has now become one of God's intercessors. This w... [ Continue Reading ]

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