4). Final Words. The People Wait On YHWH And Hope In Him (20-22).

Psalms 33:20

‘Our soul has waited for YHWH,

He is our help and our shield.

For our heart will rejoice in him,

Because we have trusted in his holy name.

‘Let your covenant love, O YHWH, be upon us,

According as we have hoped in you.

The Psalm approaches the end of the Psalm with a declaration that His people have ‘waited' for Him. They have looked to Him in confident expectation, both as their help and their shield, the One Who gives them powerful assistance, and the one who protects them from all that their adversaries can throw at them. And they have done this both by rejoicing in Him with their whole beings (their hearts), and by trusting in Him for what He is (trusting in His holy Name). So in view of this they pray that His covenant love, that love which caused Him to choose them and set His Name on them, may truly rest upon them in accordance with their hope in Him.

‘Our soul has waited on YHWH.' The word for ‘wait' is not the one often translated as ‘wait', but also occurs in Psalms 106:13; Isaiah 8:17; Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 64:4 etc. The idea is the same.

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