‘Let not him who eats set at nought him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats. For God has received him.'

But the one who eats anything quite confidently, without a religious qualm, must not despise in any way the one who eats only vegetables, or abstains from certain types of meat (e.g. pork). And the one who has qualms over what he eats must not judge the one who eats anything. Each must recognise concerning their opponent that God ‘has received him'. Thus all whom God had received must love one another.

‘God has received him.' Compare Romans 15:7 where they are to receive one another because Christ has ‘received them' And He has done it in order to unite Jews and Gentiles, with Jews (the circumcision) who believed being confirmed in the promises of God, while the Gentiles glorify God for His mercy by benefiting in the Root of Jesse (Romans 15:12).

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