Zechariah Is Called On To Illustrate YHWH's Rejection Of His People By Appearing Like A Foolish Shepherd (Zechariah 11:15).

Zechariah 11:15

‘And YHWH said to me, “Take to yourself yet again the tools of a foolish shepherd, for lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not number those that are lost (cut off), nor will seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor will he feed those which are standing, but he will eat the flesh of the fat and will tear their hooves in pieces.'

Zechariah, having rid himself of the tools of the covenant, is now told to imitate the foolish shepherd by taking up implements that depict him as ‘a foolish shepherd'. This is a prophetic acting out of what is the situation now is. The foolish shepherds are in control. For the one who will now be raised up as the shepherd of the people will be unworthy of the honour. He will not watch over the sheep. He will take no account of those who go astray. He will not tend their wounds and sicknesses. He will not even feed those who remain there with him. Rather he will take advantage of them for his own gain and to their disadvantage.

The contrast here is between the true shepherd and one who will take his place and gain control. It is indeed probably to be seen as referring to a number of consecutive shepherds over the years rather than just to one particularly bad shepherd, so that one foolish shepherd will be followed by another, although clearly the process will begin with one. Each generation will continue to have a false shepherd over them.

This is a warning to all that if they will not listen to true servants of God they will be left to be tended by those who are not worthy. In the end people get the shepherds they deserve.

Zechariah 11:17

‘Woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts the flock. The sword will be on his arm and on his right eye. His arm will be totally dried up and his right eye will be utterly darkened.'

The worthless shepherd will not go unpunished. He will come under judgment so that the parts which have failed the sheep, the arm that should have protected and the eye that should have watched, will be destroyed. The worthless shepherd will thus not escape unscathed.

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