Ezekiel 28 - Introduction

ORACLES AGAINST AMMON (EZEKIEL 25:1), MOAB (EZEKIEL 25:8) EDOM (EZEKIEL 25:12), PHILISTIA (EZEKIEL 25:17). All of these petty powers were ancient hereditary enemies of Israel. Their enmity dated back to the days before the monarchy, and in the recent disasters and sorrows of Israel had expressed its... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 28:1-26

EZEKIEL 28. TYRE'S FALL FROM HEAVEN. In a remarkable passage, Ezekiel now conceives the pride of Tyre as incarnate in her king. The detail is often obscure and difficult, reminiscent of a mythological background similar to Genesis 3. The commercial genius and success of Tyre flushed her with impious... [ Continue Reading ]

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