1 Samuel 25:1

1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 25 Samuel dieth: David goeth to the wilderness of Paran, 1 SAMUEL 25:1. Nabal's riches, 1 SAMUEL 25:2. His and his wife Abigail's nature and condition, 1 SAMUEL 25:3. David requesteth of Nabal some relief for his camp: he entreateth David's messengers scornfully. David is provoked,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:2

MAON; a place in or near to the wilderness of Paran. See 1 SAMUEL 23:24. CARMEL; not that Carmel in Issachar, of which see 1 SAMUEL 15:12 1 KINGS 18:19; but another in the tribe of Judah, near unto Maon, as appears from JOSHUA 15:55.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:3

This is added to aggravate his crime, that he was a degenerate branch of that noble stock of Caleb, and consequently of the tribe of Judah, as David was.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:6

TO HIM THAT LIVETH IN PROSPERITY, Heb. to him that liveth. Life is oft put for a prosperous and happy life, as in that prayer, _Let the king live_, 1 SAMUEL 10:24 1 KINGS 1:25, and in other passages of Scripture, and other authors; for an afflicted and calamitous life is unworthy of the name of life... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:7

Which, considering the licentiousness of soldiers, and the necessities which David and his men were oft exposed to, was no small favour and privilege, which Nabal was bound both ill justice, and gratitude, and prudence to requite.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:8

IN A GOOD DAY, i.e. in a day of feasting and rejoicing; when men are most cheerful and liberal; when thou mayst relieve us out of thy abundance without damage to thyself; when thou art receiving the mercies of God, and therefore obliged to pity and relieve distressed and indigent persons, DEUTERONOM... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:10

WHO IS DAVID? what relation or obligation have I to David? THERE BE MANY SERVANTS NOW A DAYS THAT BREAK AWAY; hereby he taxeth both David, as one revolted from and risen up against Saul his lord and master; and his soldiers as runagates from their masters and creditors, &c. See 1 SAMUEL 22:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:11

MY WATER; he speaketh thus, either because in those hot and dry parts water was scarce and precious; or _water_ is here put for any kind of drink, as bread is oft taken for all sorts of meat.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:13

GIRD YE ON EVERY MAN HIS SWORD; having resolved and sworn to revenge himself of Nabal, as is expressed, 1 SAMUEL 25:21,22. BY THE STUFF. See 1 SAMUEL 17:22, 1 SAMUEL 30:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:17

EVIL IS DETERMINED AGAINST OUR MASTER; which it was easy to guess; either from some threatening expressions which David's men used; or from the consideration of David's great power, and that rage which so high a provocation was likely to produce in military persons. A MAN CANNOT SPEAK TO HIM, to wit... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:18

ABIGAIL TOOK TWO HUNDRED LOAVES; which she did without his leave, and against his mind, because it was a case of apparent necessity, for the preservation of herself, and husband, and all the family from imminent ruin. And surely that real and urgent necessity which dispenseth with God's positive com... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:20

BY THE COVERT OF THE HILL; in the lower part and under the shadow of the hill, or of the trees that grew upon it; so that David did not see her till she met him. David and his men came down, to wit, from another opposite hill.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:21

David had said; either in his journey, or as soon as he heard that reproachful answer. THIS FELLOW; whom he thought unworthy to be named, for his barbarous ingratitude and churlishness.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:22

UNTO THE ENEMIES OF DAVID, i. e. Unto David himself. But because it might seem ominous and unnatural to curse himself, therefore by a figure called _euphemismus_, instead of David, he mentions David's enemies. See 1 SAMUEL 20:16. The words may be thus rendered: SO AND MORE ALSO LET GOD DO FOR (the H... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:24

UPON ME LET THIS INIQUITY BE; impute Nabal's sin to me, and, if thou pleasest, punish it in me, who here offer myself as a sacrifice to thy just indignation. This whole speech of Abigail is done with great artifice; and she doth here, by an absolute submitting to mercy, without any pretence of justi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:25

Let not my lord regard this man; his person and words deserve thy contempt, but not thy regard. MAN OF BELIAL; for such he hath showed himself to be by this wicked and abominable carriage towards thee. FOLLY IS WITH HIM; his noted folly and stupidity is a more proper object for thy pity than anger.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:26

SEEING THE LORD HATH WITHHOLDEN THEE FROM COMING TO SHED BLOOD; seeing God hath so ordered this business by his wise and wonderful providence, that I should accidentally and unexpectedly come to the knowledge of my husband's vile and sordid carriage; and that I should come to meet thee, and find the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:27

THIS BLESSING; so a gift or present is called here, and GENESIS 33:11, and elsewhere; not only because the matter of it comes from God's blessing, but also because it is given with a blessing, or with a good will. LET IT EVEN BE GIVEN UNTO THE YOUNG MEN, as being unworthy of thine acceptance or use.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:28

THE TRESPASS OF THINE HANDMAID, i.e. which I have taken upon myself, 1 SAMUEL 25:21, and which, if it be not pardoned, but punished, the punishment will reach to me. WILL CERTAINLY MAKE MY LORD A SURE HOUSE, i.e. will give the kingdom to thee, and to thy house for ever, as he hath promised thee. And... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:29

A MAN, to wit, Saul, though no way injured nor justly provoked by thee. TO SEEK THY SOUL, i. e. to take away thy life. In the bundle of life, or, in the bundle, i.e. in the society or congregation of THE LIVING; out of which men are taken and cut off by death. The phrase is taken from the common usa... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:31

NOR OFFENCE OF HEART UNTO MY LORD; thy mind and conscience will be free from all the torment which the guilt and shame of such an action would cause in thee. By which, she cunningly insinuates what a blemish this would be to his glory, what a disturbance to his peace and felicity, if he proceeded to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:32

Which by his gracious and singular providence so disposed matters that thou shouldst, come to rule. He rightly begins at the fountain of this deliverance, which was God; and then proceeds to the instruments.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:33

BLESSED BE THY ADVICE, and blessed be thou, i.e. the Lord bless and recompense thee for this thy good advice. FROM COMING TO SHED BLOOD, which I had sworn to do. Hereby it plainly appears that oaths whereby men bind themselves to any sin are null and void; and as it was a sin to make them, so it is... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:34

HATH KEPT ME BACK FROM HURTING THEE; not that he intended to kill her, but the males only; as was noted in 1 SAMUEL 25:22. But their destruction was a dreadful affliction and damage to her.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:36

LIKE THE FEAST OF A KING; as the manner was upon those solemn occasions. Sordid covetousness and vain prodigality were met together in him. SHE TOLD HIM NOTHING; he being then incapable of admonition, his reason and conscience being both asleep.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:37

He was oppressed with grief, and fainted away through the fear and horror of so great a mischief, though it was past. As one who, having in the night galloped over a narrow plank, laid upon a broken bridge, over a deep river, when in the morning he came to review it, was struck dead with. the horror... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:39

How could David rejoice at the death of his enemy? ANSW. Although it may be said that he rejoiced not in Nabal's death as such, but only in the declaration of God's justice in punishing so great a wickedness; which was an honour to God, and a document, and therefore a benefit to mankind, and so a pu... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:42

SHE WENT AFTER THE MESSENGERS; not immediately, but some convenient time after they were gone. She considered not David's present straits and penury, which site thought her plentiful estate might supply; nor his danger from Saul; but by a true and strong faith rested upon God's promise made to David... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 25:44

BUT, or _for_, as the Hebrew _vau_ is ofttimes used. For this seems to be added as a reason why David took other wives, because Saul had given his former wife to another man, that he might as far as he could extinguish all relation and kindred to him, whom he hated; and withal, cut off his hopes and... [ Continue Reading ]

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