1 Timothy 5:1

1 TIMOTHY CHAPTER 5 1 TIMOTHY 5:1,2 Directions to Timothy how to admonish persons of different conditions. 1 TIMOTHY 5:3 Concerning widows. 1 TIMOTHY 5:17,18 Elders, if they do well, are to be doubly honoured, 1 TIMOTHY 5:19 and are not to be censured without full proof, and then openly and impartia... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:2

THE ELDER WOMEN AS MOTHERS; the same prudence also is to be used to matrons and aged women. THE YOUNGER AS SISTERS; yea, and to younger women too, considering our relation and equality in Christ. WITH ALL PURITY; only as to them, (considering their sex), a further gravity and prudence is to be used,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:3

HONOUR WIDOWS; give a respect to such as have lost their husbands, with a regard to that honourable estate of marriage in which they have been formerly, and do not only pay them a due respect, but afford them a maintenance, ACTS 6:1. THAT ARE WIDOWS INDEED: who are widows indeed he openeth further,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:4

OLBGrk; BUT IF ANY WIDOW HAVE CHILDREN OR NEPHEWS: by the _widows indeed, _ mentioned by the apostle, 1 TIMOTHY 5:3, he here showeth that he meant women that not only wanted husbands, but children, or grandchildren or any near kindred that were Christians, and in a capacity to relieve them; but if a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:5

OLBGrk; NOW SHE THAT IS A WIDOW INDEED, AND DESOLATE: the apostle here opens the term of _widow indeed,_ 1 TIMOTHY 5:3; one that is memonwmenh one that is made alone, destitute of such as ought to help her, a husband, or children; and being so, TRUSTETH IN GOD; is a believer, reposing her trust and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:6

OLBGrk; H de sqatalwsa, she that is wanton, JAMES 5:5, she that spends her money in needless costs, as to meat, drink, or apparel, is spiritually dead, dead in sin, while she liveth a temporary voluptuous life, in vanity, and luxury, and impurity of flesh and spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:8

OLBGrk; BUT IF ANY PROVIDE NOT FOR HIS OWN, AND SPECIALLY FOR THOSE OF HIS OWN HOUSE: here is a manifest distinction between _his own, _ idiwn, and _his own household, _ oikeiwn, they are distinguished by terms in the Greek, and as to the care which men and women ought to extend to them. By _his own... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:9

OLBGrk; LET NOT A WIDOW BE TAKEN, INTO THE NUMBER UNDER THREESCORE YEARS OLD; what number he meaneth is very doubtful, whether he means the number of deaconesses, or the number of such as should receive alms from the church. Those who translate katalegesyw here _chosen_ seem to favour the former. T... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:10

WELL REPORTED OF FOR GOOD WORKS; if she be a person of repute for actions concerning others which are consonant to the will and commandment of God. IF SHE HAVE BROUGHT UP CHILDREN well, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. IF SHE HAVE LODGED STRANGERS; if when persons that are Christians have... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:11

OLBGrk; BUT THE YOUNGER WIDOWS REFUSE: by _the younger widows_ the apostle seems (by the last words of this verse) not to mean those that were under threescore, but the younger sort of widows, not past child-bearing; he would not have those (that is, being under no extraordinary circumstances of sic... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:12

OLBGrk; This sentence is not without its difficulties: here are two questions: 1. What is meant by krima, which we both here and elsewhere translate DAMNATION. 2. How they CAST OFF THEIR FIRST FAITH. Many think the Greek word by us translated _damnation, _ ought to have had a softer sense, it bein... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:13

The apostle here gives some other reasons, why he would not have widows too young taken into the ministry of the church. AND WITHAL THEY LEARN TO BE IDLE, WANDERING ABOUT FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE; they being young, and having no business at home, nor any husbands to conduct and govern them, are subject t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:14

I WILL THEREFORE THAT THE YOUNGER WOMEN MARRY: _I will, _ here, must not be interpreted into an absolute precept, (for the apostle would never have made that necessary by his precept which God had left indifferent), but in a limited sense, viz. if they have not the gift of continency, if they cannot... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:15

Ver. 15,16. We have scandals enough already, we had need take as good heed as we can that we have no more; some young women already are apostatized (and, possibly, for the sake or by the occasion of such marriages) to Judaism or paganism; or, it may be, to a loose and lewd course of life, not suitin... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:17

Who these ELDERS are here intended hath been a great question: it is plain they are not such only as are preachers. They are such as are, WORTHY OF DOUBLE HONOUR. The learned Mr. Pool, in his Latin Synopsis, giveth us an acconut of the most opinions about it: 1. Some judging them some of the elder... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:18

This verse maketh it evident that maintenance is part of the _double honour_ that is due to such as labour in the word and doctrine in the first place: and not to them alone, but to any such as are employed in the rule and government of the church. The apostle had made use of DEUTERONOMY 25:4 to the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:19

AGAINST AN ELDER; whether an elder in years or in office, though the latter being the persons formerly spoken of, seen here principally intended. RECIEVE NOT AN ACCUSATION, BUT BEFORE TWO OR THREE WITNESSES; that is, not to proceed to any judicial inquiry upon it, DEUTERONOMY 17:6. This was a law co... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:20

THEM THAT SIN; that is, that sin publicly and scandalously, so as others have taken notice of it. REBUKE BEFORE ALL; rebuke not privately, by a ministerial correption, but by a public ecclesiastical correption before the whole church. THAT OTHERS ALSO MAY FEAR; that the salve may answer the sore, an... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:21

I CHARGE THEE BEFORE GOD, AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THE ELECT ANGELS, THAT THOU OBSERVE THESE THINGS: by _these things_ may be understood the whole of what went before, or what followeth. I judge it most proper to refer it to all the precepts foregoing in this Epistle, which evidenceth them to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:22

By LAY HANDS SUDDENLY ON NO MAN, is certainly, to be understood: Do thou suddenly set no man apart to any ecclesiastical employment. Laying on of hands was but an external ceremony used in blessing, GENESIS 48:14,15, and in the conferring of power upon persons. NUMBERS 27:18 DEUTERONOMY 34:9. In the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:23

DRINK NO LONGER WATER; not wholly, as many did in those countries, and Timothy probably did, not because he was not able to buy wine, but religiously, as a piece of discipline to keep under the flesh. BUT USE A LITTLE WINE; but mix some wine with the water. FOR THY STOMACH'S SAKE; to help thy digest... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:24

OLBGrk; The sense of this verse depends upon the term krisin, which we translate JUDGMENT, it being doubtful whether it is to be understood of the judgment of God, or the judgment of men in ecclesiastical judicatories. If we understand the words of the judgment of God, the sense is this: Some men's... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 5:25

In like manner some men's holy life and conversation hath been so evident, that there needs little judgment concerning them; and for others, under a due government they cannot be long concealed, but by thy due management of and vigilance in thy office they will soon be discovered, by their publishin... [ Continue Reading ]

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