Either because that was near her lands and dwelling, which she thought she might have an eye to, when occasion required; or because there was more plenty than in Judah; or because she knew that her going to dwell in Judah would be very displeasing to the king of Israel, whose favour she was like to need hereafter. Nor was there now that danger of idolatry from the Philistines as there had been formerly, because their power and influence was now grown inconsiderable, and probably many of the Jews and Israelites lived among them. And this land, though bordering upon Israel, was free from this famine, that it might appear that this was a special hand and judgment of God upon the Israelites for their idolatry, and for their unprofitableness under all the means of grace which now they plentifully enjoyed by Elisha and many other prophets; which the Philistines not enjoying, their sin was much less, and therefore their present condition was better.

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