Exodus 4:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 4 Moses's objection, EXODUS 4:1. The answer, EXODUS 4:2. God turns his rod into a serpent, EXODUS 4:3. He adds another sign, EXODUS 4:6. And lest they would not believe, water is turned into blood, EXODUS 4:9. Moses's objection, EXODUS 4:10. God argues with him, EXODUS 4:11. God's com... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:3

IT BECAME A SERPENT, i.e. was really changed into a serpent; whereby it was intimated what and how pernicious his rod should be to the Egyptians.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:4

THE TAIL was the dangerous part; whereby God would try Moses's faith, and prepare him for the approaching difficulties.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:5

An imperfect sentence, to be thus completed, THIS THOU SHALT DO BEFORE THEM, THAT THEY MAY BELIEVE. See the like in 2 SAMUEL 5:8, compared with 1 CHRONICLES 11:6; and MARK 14:49, compared with MATTHEW 26:56.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:6

For whiteness. See NUMBERS 12:10. Hereby God would suggest to them how soon he could weaken and destroy the hard and strong hand by which the Egyptians tyrannised over them. It might also be done to keep Moses humble and depending upon God, and to teach him and Israel to ascribe all the future mirac... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:8

TO THE VOICE OF THE FIRST SIGN; to the voice or word of God delivered and confirmed by the first sign. For Moses did not make dumb shows before them, but acquainted them with the mind of God therein. Or he saith THE VOICE, to note that God's works have a voice to speak to us, which we must diligentl... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:9

_ The river_ Nile, well known to Moses, and called so by way of eminency, as Euphrates also is. _Shall become_, Heb. _shall be, even shall be_, i.e. it shall assuredly be so.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:10

I AM NOT ELOQUENT; not able to deliver thy message acceptably and decently, either to Pharaoh or to the Israelites. Since thy appearance to me, thou hast made some change in my hand, but none in my tongue, but still I am, as I was, most unfit for so high an employment. But indeed he was therefore fi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:12

By my Spirit to direct and assist thee what and how to speak. Whence Moses, though he still seems to have remained _slow in speech_, yet was in truth _mighty in words_ as well as _deeds_, ACTS 7:22. Compare MATTHEW 10:19,20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:13

By one who is fitter for the work than I am. Heb. _Send by the hand_ of him whom THOU WILT SEND, i.e. should send; for the future tense oft signifies what one should do. See GENESIS 20:9, GENESIS 34:7 ZECHARIAH 1:6, ZECHARIAH 2:7. Thou usest according to thy wisdom to choose fit instruments, and to... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:14

HE COMETH FORTH TO MEET THEE, by my instigation and direction; which, because I see thou art still diffident, I give thee for a new sign to strengthen thy belief that I will carry thee through this hard work.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:15

PUT WORDS IN HIS MOUTH, i.e. instruct him what to speak, and command him freely and faithfully to express it. See ISAIAH 51:16, ISAIAH 59:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:18

He pretends only a visit, and so indeed it was, and that no very long one neither: he knew that he should certainly return to this place, and there meet with his father-in-law. So that he did not deceive him, nor intended to do so though he thought fit to conceal from him the errand upon which God s... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:19

This seems to have been a second vision, whereby God calls him forth to the present and speedy execution of that command which before was more generally delivered. WHICH SOUGHT THY LIFE, to wit, to take it away. See the like expression, 1 SAMUEL 22:23 1 KINGS 19:14 MATTHEW 2:20. God knew very well t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:20

His sons, Gershom, EXODUS 2:22, and Eliezer, EXODUS 18:4, whom he intended to carry with him; but afterwards observing that they were like to be impediments to him in his great business, and being well assured that it would not be long ere he returned to them, he sent them back to Jethro, as may see... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:21

IN THINE HAND, i.e. in thy power or commission, to be clone by thy hand, and the rod in it. I WILL HARDEN HIS HEART, that he shall he unmerciful to all the groans and pressures of the Israelites, inexorable to the requests of Moses, unmovable and incorrigible by all my words and works. But God doth... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:22

By my choice and adoption. They are most dear to me, and reserved by me out of all nations to be my peculiar people; and therefore I will no longer suffer thee to invade my right, nor them to live in the neglect of my service.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:23

I SAY UNTO THEE; I command thee; for _saying_ is put for commanding, LUKE 4:3, LUKE 9:54; and in 1 CHRONICLES 21:19, compared with 2 SAMUEL 24:19. I WILL SLAY THY SON; by which plague, coming after the rest, thou wilt be enforced to do what I advise thee now to do upon cheaper terms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:24

MET HIM, i.e. appeared to him in some visible shape, AND SOUGHT TO KILL HIM. Whom? Moses, spoken of and to before. He offered and endeavoured to kill him, either by inflicting some sudden and dangerous disease or stroke upon him, or by showing himself in some threatening posture, possibly as the ang... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:25

Perceiving the danger of her husband, and the cause of it, and her husband being disenabled from performing that work, whether by some stroke or sickness, or by the terror of so dismal and unexpected an apparition to him, and delays being highly dangerous, she thought it better to do it herself as w... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:26

SO HE LET HIM GO; or, _he_, i.e. God, or the destroying angel sent from God, _departed from him_, i.e. from Moses, and removed the tokens of God's indignation, the sickness or stroke laid upon him. Zipporah both repeats and amplifies her former censure, and reproacheth not only her husband, but also... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:29

All of them whom they could easily and quickly bring together, or all that were in those parts. Of those elders, see EXODUS 3:16, EXODUS 24:1,9 NUM 11:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:30

Thus beginning to execute the office which God had put upon him, which was to be Moses's mouth, or spokesman. i.e. Aaron did the signs as Moses's minister, or by the command and direction of Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 4:31

HAD VISITED, i.e. taken cognizance of their cause and condition, and resolved to deliver them, THEY BOWED THEIR HEADS AND WORSHIPPED; acknowledging and adoring the kindness and faithfulness of God thereto.... [ Continue Reading ]

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