Say thou; tell them what will be the issue of all this, and tell it to them in my name. Shall it prosper? this vine, shall Zedekiah aud his people thrive by this? it is a question that must be resolved negatively, and with vehemency. Shall he, Nebuchadnezzar, not pull up, utterly overthrow this kingdom which he had set up, destroy the king thereof? Cut off the fruit; put to the sword and slay the children of Zedekiah and of the nobles. Wither; never be in possibility of springing, so much is threatened by the withering of the branches. All the leaves of her spring; all the promising hope they had shall vanish as the hope of a tree vanisheth, when all its buds and leaves wither in its spring. Without great power; the king of Babylon shall do this easily, and never need to employ all his power and people to do this, utterly to root up this vine.

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