Genesis 50:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 50 Joseph bewails his father's death; and embalms him, GENESIS 50:1,2. The Egyptians mourn for him seventy days, GENESIS 50:3. Joseph with Pharaoh's leave carries him stately accompanied to Canaan, GENESIS 50:4. They mourn there seven days, and sorely, so that the Canaanites from the... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:2

The dead corpse of his father with spices, and ointments, and other things necessary for the preservation of the body from putrefaction as long as might be. This Joseph did, partly, because he would comply as far as he could with the Egyptians, whose custom this was, from whom also the Jews took it,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:3

FOR HIM, i.e. for his embalming; that so the drugs or spices which were applied might more effectually reach to all the parts of the dead body, and keep it from corruption. And the effect of their diligence and so long continuance in this work was, that bodies have been preserved uncorrupt for some... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:4

THE HOUSE OF PHARAOH; the household or family, namely, those of them which were chief in place and favour with the king. Joseph makes use of their intercession, either, 1. Lest he might seem to despise them, or to presume too much upon his own single interest. Or, 2. By engaging them in this matte... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:5

Here is a triple obligation upon Joseph: 1. His duty to fulfil the will of the dead. 2. The obedience which he owed to his father's command. 3. The the of a solemn oath: all which had weight even with the heathens, and were so many arguments to Pharaoh and his courtiers. IN MY GRAVE WHICH I HAVE D... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:7

ALL THE SERVANTS, i.e. a great number of them, as that word is understood, MATTHEW 3:5, and oft elsewhere. For many of them were aged and infirm, and many could not be spared from their attendance at court, or upon their employments, &c. THE SERVANTS OF PHARAOH were courtiers of an inferior rank; TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:8

And such as were necessary to take care of them, which must needs be understood. CHARIOTS AND HORSEMEN, for their defence, in case of any opposition.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:10

ATAD, a man so called; or, _of thorn, _ or _thorns, _ as the word signifies, JUDGES 9:14 PSALMS 58:9. So it might be a place either abounding or encompassed with thorns. BEYOND, or _on this side; _ for the word signifies both, and it may be taken either way here; the one in respect of Egypt, the oth... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:16

This looks like a lie; for Jacob either did not know this fact, or rather, was so well assured of Joseph's clemency and goodness, that he never feared his revenge. But guilt doth so awaken fear, that it makes a man never to think himself secure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:17

THE GOD OF THY FATHER, for whose sake pardon those that join with thee in his worship. JOSEPH WEPT; partly in compassion to their fear and trouble; and partly because they still retained a diffidence in his kindness, after all his great and real demonstrations of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:19

It is God's prerogative to take vengeance, which I dare not usurp. See DEUTERONOMY 32:35. Or, can I do what I please with you without God's leave? Therefore fear him rather than me, and upon your experience of his wonderful care and kindness to you, believe that God will not, and therefore that I ne... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:23

OF THE THIRD GENERATION, reckoning from and after Ephraim, i.e., Ephraim's grandchildren's children. So early did Ephraim's privilege above Manasseh appear, and Jacob's blessing _\GENESIS 48:19\_ take place. THE CHILDREN OF MACHIR, Heb. _sons._ For though he had but one son, viz. Gilead, by his firs... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:24

GOD WILL SURELY VISIT YOU, i.e. deliver you out of this place, where I foresee you will be hardly used after my decease; or, fulfil his promised kindness to you, as that word is used, GENESIS 21:1 EXODUS 4:31. There is a double visitation oft mentioned in Scripture; the one of grace and mercy, which... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:25

JOSEPH TOOK AN OATH, for the same reason which moved Jacob to require an oath from him, GENESIS 47:30,31, OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: he saith not, _of his brethren, _ but _of Israel's children; _ under which his grandchildren are comprehended, and seem principally intended here; either because his b... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 50:26

So for about thirteen years of affliction he enjoyed eighty years of honour, and as much happiness as earth could afford him.... [ Continue Reading ]

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