When he giveth quietness; either to the poor and oppressed persons last mentioned, or to any other person or people, as it follows. Who then can make trouble? no man or creature can hinder God's design and work. When he hideth his face, i.e. withdraws his favour and help from them, and thereby exposeth them to all oppressions or calamities. Who then can behold him? i.e. who can look up to God with cheerfulness or confidence, to desire or expect his help? Or rather, who then will look upon him, or regard him, to wit, so as to pity or succour him? If God be against him, what man will or dare be for him? all men will forsake and oppose him, and so he will be utterly lost. For this who answers to the who in the former branch of the verse, and both of them speak of man and his act as opposed unto God and to his act. The case is the same in both: God can carry on his work, either of mercy or justice, as easily and as irresistibly upon a whole nation or people as upon one particular person.

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