Leviticus 10:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 10 Nadab and Abihu offering strange fire, are devoured by fire from heaven, LEVITICUS 10:1,2; for God will be sanctified by them that draw near unto him, LEVITICUS 10:3. Their dead bodies carried without the camp, LEVITICUS 10:4,5. Aaron and his two other sons forbad to mourn, LEVI... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:2

FROM THE LORD; from heaven, or rather from the sanctuary. See LEVITICUS 9:24. DEVOURED them; destroyed their lives; for their bodies and garments were not consumed, as it appears from LEVITICUS 10:4,5. Thus the sword is said to devour, 2 SAMUEL 2:26. Thus lightning many times kills persons, without... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:3

THIS IS IT THAT THE LORD SPAKE; though the express words be not recorded in Scripture, where only the heads of sermons are contained, yet it is probable they were uttered by Moses in God's name. Howsoever, the sense and substance of them is in many places. See EXODUS 19:22, EXODUS 29:43 LEVITICUS 8:... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:4

For Aaron and his sons had scarce finished their consecration work, and were employed in their holy ministrations, from which they were not to be called for funeral solemnities. See LEVITICUS 21:1, &c. THE UNCLE OF AARON. See EXODUS 6:18 NUMBERS 3:19. YOUR BRETHREN, i.e. kinsmen, as that word is oft... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:5

IN THEIR COATS; in the holy garments wherein they ministered; which might be done either, 1. As a testimony of a respect due to them, notwithstanding their present failure; and that God in judgment remembered mercy, and when he took away their lives, spared their souls. Or, 2. Because being pollut... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:6

UNCOVER NOT YOUR HEADS; EITHER, 1. By putting off your mitres and bonnets, or ornaments, and going bare-headed, as mourners sometimes did. See LEVITICUS 13:45 EZEKIEL 24:17,23. Or, 2. By shaving off the hair of your heads and beards, as mourners did. See JOB 1:20 JEREMIAH 7:29, JEREMIAH 41:5 EZEKIE... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:7

YE SHALL NOT GO OUT FROM THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE, where at this time they were, either because this happened within seven days of their consecration; see LEVITICUS 8:35; or because they were longer detained there about some other holy ministrations. Though the former may seem more probable, becau... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:9

This is here added, either because Nadab and Abihu had been led to their error by drinking too much, which might easily fall out when they were feasting and full of joy for their entrance into so honourable and profitable an employment; or at least because others might thereby be drawn to commit the... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:10

Persons and things, which Nadab and Abihu did not, mistaking unholy or common fire for that which was sacred and appointed by God for their use.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:12

Moses repeateth and re-enforceth the former command, partly lest their great loss and grief should cause them to forget or neglect their meat prescribed them by God, which abstinence would have been both a signification of their sorrow, which God had forbidden them, and a new transgression of a Divi... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:13

IN THE HOLY PLACE; in the court, near the altar of burntofferings. See LEVITICUS 6:26. BECAUSE IT IS THY DUE. See LEVITICUS 2:3, LEVITICUS 6:16,17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:14

IN A CLEAN PLACE; in any of your dwellings, or any place in the camp, which he supposeth to be kept clean from all ceremonial defilement, as they ought to be; whence the lepers were put out of the camp. See NUMBERS 5:1. In any place where the women as well as the men might come, for the daughters of... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:16

THE GOAT OF THE SIN-OFFERING, to wit, for the people, mentioned LEVITICUS 9:15, to know what was done with that part of it which was the priest s; which he inquired into more than into the other sacrifices, because a mistake there was easy and probable, because that matter might seem something doubt... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:17

i.e. As a reward of your service and function, whereby you do expiate, bear, and take away their sins, by offering those sacrifices, and performing those rites, by which God through Christ is reconciled to the penitent and believing offerers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:18

THE BLOOD OF IT WAS NOT BROUGHT IN WITHIN THE HOLY PLACE; the reason whereof was, because Aaron was not yet admitted into the holy place, whither that blood should have been brought, till he had prepared the way by the sacrifices which were to be offered in the court.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:19

THIS DAY HAVE THEY OFFERED; they have done the substance of the thing, though they have mistaken this one circumstance. _Such things have befallen me_; whereby, having been oppressed with grief, and almost bereft of my reason, it is not strange nor unpardonable if I have mistaken. SHOULD IT HAVE BEE... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 10:20

He rested satisfied with his answer, either because he thought it reasonable, seeing the letter of the law ofttimes yields to necessities or great accidents, 2 CHRONICLES 30:18 MATTHEW 12:3,4; or at least because the things alleged were mitigations of his fault, and he would not add affliction to th... [ Continue Reading ]

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