Luke 4:1

OLBGrk; LUKE CHAPTER 4 LUKE 4:1 Christ fasts forty days, and is tempted of the devil. LUKE 4:14,15 He begins to preach. LUKE 4:16 The people of Nazareth wonder at his gracious words, but being offended go about to kill him: he escapeth by miracle. LUKE 4:33 He casteth out a devil, LUKE 4:38 healeth... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:3

Ver. 3,4. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:3". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:4". It is very observable, that Christ here asserts the authority of the Scriptures; and though he was full of the Holy Ghost, yet maketh the Holy Scripture his rule of action.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:5

Ver. 5-8. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:8". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:9". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:10". Those words, LUKE 4:6, FOR THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME; AND TO WHOMSOEVER I WILL I GIVE IT, are only mentioned by Luke; where we may observe, that the devil was a liar from the beginning. The dominion over t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:9

Ver. 9-12. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:5". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:6". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 4:7". What Matthew calls _the holy city, _ Luke expoundeth _Jerusalem._... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:13

Matthew saith, the devil left him, _and, behold, angels came and ministered unto Him_. Luke saith, _he departed from him for a season, when he had ended all the temptation_. Those words, _for a season_, seem to intimate that our Saviour had further conflicts with the devil than are here mentioned; a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:14

Ver. 14,15. Both Matthew and Mark make the occasion of our Saviour's going into Galilee to be his hearing that John was cast into prison. But certainly Matthew and Mark speak of a second going into Galilee, and mean by it Galilee of the Gentiles, which was in the jurisdiction of Philip, the brother... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:16

We heard before, LUKE 2:39,51, that Christ was brought up at Nazareth; we read of him at Nazareth, MATTHEW 13:54. But I must confess I doubt whether Matthew there, and Luke here, speak of the same time. Of the nature of the Jewish synagogues, and their order of worship there, and the reading of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:17

OLBGrk; Ver. 17-19. The words differ in some things from the words of the prophet out of which they are quoted, ISAIAH 61:1, where is nothing of recovering of sight to the blind; but they exactly agree with the Septuagint version, only, LUKE 4:19, they have kalesai, to call, and Luke hath khruxai, t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:20

Ver. 20,21. Christ observeth the order used in their synagogues, when he that officiates had read such a portion out of the law as was appointed, or out of the prophets, as he pleased, he closed the book, or the roll, and gave it again to the officer, whose work it was to bring it, and then to carry... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:22

All that heard our Saviour in the synagogue BARE HIM WITNESS. Of what? Not that he was the Messias, much less the Son of God; but they praised his discourse in opening the prophecy: they did not believe in him, but they admired the wisdom and piety of his discourses, they admired the effects of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:23

Ver. 23,24. Christ here tells those of Nazareth what was in their hearts, viz. that they in their hearts contemned him, because of the meanness of his parentage, and challenged him to confirm his doctrine by miracles, urging that Nazareth was his own country, and physicians in the first place ought... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:25

Ver. 25-27. The two stories to which our Saviour refers are those 1 KINGS 17:9 2 KINGS 5:14. But the question is what our Saviour intended to teach them by these stories, which made them so exceeding angry, as we shall find by and by. I answer, several things, none of which pleased them. 1. The free... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:28

Ver. 28-30. Unhappy Nazareth, where Christ had now lived more than thirty years! They had seen him growing up, increasing _in wisdom and stature, and in favour_ both _with God and man_, LUKE 2:52; they had had the first fruits of his ministry, and, LUKE 4:22, they _bare him witness, and wondered at... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:31

Ver. 31,32. Capernaum was a city in the other Galilee, under the jurisdiction of Philip, whither Matthew and Mark mention our Saviour's motion upon the report of the imprisonment of John. Philip is not only by historians reported of a less bloody temper than his brother Herod, but Herod having taken... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:33

Ver. 33-37. We met with the same history related as done in Capernaum, and with the same circumstances, SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:21". SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:22", &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:38

Ver. 38,39. We met with this history both in Matthew and Mark. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 8:14", and following verses to MATTHEW 8:15. SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:29", and following verses to MARK 1:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 4:42

Ver. 42-44. SEE POOLE ON "MARK 1:35", and following to MARK 1:39, where that evangelist reports the same things that this evangelist mentions, only with more circumstances. Mark saith, he went out a great while before day into a solitary place to pray. He saith also that Simon and others followed hi... [ Continue Reading ]

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