MARK CHAPTER 13 Mark 13:1,2 Christ foretells the destruction of the temple, Mark 13:3 shows what signs and calamities should go before, Mark 13:24 and what should happen at the time of his coming, Mark 13:32 no man knoweth the day or hour; we must therefore watch and pray, that we may not be found unprepared. Ver. 1,2. The perishing nature of the splendid and gay things of this world, are fitter objects for the meditation of such as are Christ's disciples, than the splendour and magnificence of them, especially when they are the privileges of a sinful people. Sin will undermine and blow up the most famous structures. It is a good thing for Christians not to set their hearts upon them. See Poole on "Matthew 24:1". See Poole on "Matthew 24:2".

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