Proverbs 28:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER 28 The character of the righteous and of the wicked, with the blessed fruits of integrity, and evil effects of sin, PROVERBS 28:11. The evil of concealing and blessedness of confessing sin, PROVERBS 28:13. The evil of oppression and violence, the benefit of industry and faithfulness... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:2

MANY ARE THE PRINCES THEREOF; either, 1. Together, contending for supremacy. Or rather, 2. Successively, as appears from the following clause. Their princes are soon cut off, and other persons, and ofttimes persons of other families, come in their stead, which is justly threatened as a curse, beca... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:3

When a poor man being advanced into a place of authority, abuseth it to oppress those that are poor and unable to resist him, he is like a violent rain or flood, which washeth away the very seeds which are in the earth, and spoileth the corn and fruits which are upon it. He is the worst of all oppre... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:4

THEY THAT FORSAKE THE LAW, that live in the contempt of and disobedience to God's law, PRAISE THE WICKED; honour their persons, contrary to PSALMS 15:4; freely and familiarly associate themselves with them, and approve of their sinful courses; all which proceeds from their great likeness to them. CO... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:5

UNDERSTAND NOT, because their minds are naturally blind, and are further blinded by their own prejudices and passions, and by the god of this world, who rules in and over them. JUDGMENT, i.e. what is just and right; what is their duty in all cases and conditions, as _judgment_ is frequently understo... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:6

BETTER; in a much safer and happier condition. IN HIS WAYS, Heb. _in two ways_; halting between two ways, pretending to virtue, but practising vice; or covering his wicked designs with good pretences; or sometimes erring on one hand, and sometimes on the other, as wicked men commonly do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:7

IS A WISE SON; and consequently a credit and comfort to his father, as hath been oft noted before. IS A COMPANION OF RIOTOUS MEN; which is both a manifest violation of God's law, which forbids this society, and is the ready way to a total and final apostacy from God, and from his law. SHAMETH HIS FA... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:8

BY USURY AND UNJUST GAIN, Heb. _by usury and_ (or, _or_) increase, i.e. by any kind of usury, whereby the poor are oppressed, as is implied from the opposite clause; or by any unrighteous practices. See more of these words and of this thing on EXODUS 22:25 LEVITICUS 25:35,36 PSA 15:5 EZEKIEL 18:8. S... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:9

HE THAT TURNETH AWAY HIS EAR FROM HEARING THE LAW, that obstinately refuseth to yield audience or obedience to God's commands, even his prayer shall be abomination to God, whose law he despised. God will abhor and reject his person, and all his services.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:10

WHOSO CAUSETH THE RIGHTEOUS TO GO ASTRAY IN AN EVIL WAY; that by evil counsel, or example, or artifice draws them into such practices as expose them to great danger and mischief. THE UPRIGHT SHALL HAVE GOOD THINGS IN POSSESSION; shall by God's good providence towards him, both keep the good of which... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:11

IS WISE IN HIS OWN CONCEIT; thinks himself to be wise when he is not, being puffed up with the opinion of his riches, which also he imputes to his own wisdom, and with the admirations and applauses of flatterers, which commonly attend upon them. SEARCHETH HIM OUT; knoweth him better than he knoweth... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:12

WHEN RIGHTEOUS MEN DO REJOICE, are encouraged and promoted to places of trust and power, there is great glory in that commonwealth. The state of that kingdom is honourable, and comfortable, and safe, so as good men can show their faces with courage and confidence. WHEN THE WICKED RISE, are advanced... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:13

THAT COVERETH HIS SINS; that doth not confess them (as appears by the opposite clause) to God, and to men too, when occasion requires it; that being convinced or admonished of his sins, either justifieth, or denieth, or excuseth them. SHALL NOT PROSPER; shall not succeed in his design of avoiding pu... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:14

HAPPY IS THE MAN, because he shall thereby avoid that mischief which befalls fearless sinners, which is expressed in the next clause, and procure that eternal salvation which they lose. THAT FEARETH, to wit, the offence and judgments of God; who having confessed and forsaken his sins, as was now sai... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:15

THE LION and BEAR are always cruel and greedy in their natures, and especially when they are hungry and want prey, in which case the lions roar, PSALMS 104:21 ISAIAH 31:4, and bears range about for it. SO IS A WICKED RULER; instead of being a nursing father, and a faithful and tender shepherd, as he... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:16

The tyranny or oppression of a prince, though by some accounted wisdom, is in truth a manifest act and sign of great folly, because it alienateth from him the hearts of his people, in which his honour, and safety, and riches consist, and ofttimes causeth the shortening of his days, either from God,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:17

A MAN THAT DOETH VIOLENCE TO THE BLOOD OF ANY PERSON, that sheddeth any man's blood, or taketh away his life unjustly, SHALL FLEE TO THE PIT; shall speedily be destroyed, being pursued by Divine vengeance, and the horrors of a guilty conscience, and the avengers of blood. LET NO MAN STAY HIM: so it... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:18

SHALL BE SAVED, to wit, from destruction, because God hath undertaken and promised to protect him. IN HIS WAYS, Heb. _in two ways_, of which phrase see above on PROVERBS 28:6. SHALL FALL AT ONCE; once for all, so as he shall not need a second thrust, 1 SAMUEL 26:8, and so as he shall never rise more... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:19

THAT FOLLOWETH AFTER VAIN PERSONS; choosing their company, and imitating their example; who gives up himself to vanity and idleness, and so is fitly opposed to the diligent man in the former clause.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:20

A FAITHFUL MAN, Heb. _a man of truth_, or _truths_, who deals truly and justly in all his bargains and transactions with men. THAT MAKETH HASTE; more than God alloweth him; that taketh the nearest and readiest way to riches, whether it be right or wrong; that is unfaithful and unjust in his dealings... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:21

When a man hath once vitiated his conscience, and accustomed himself to take bribes, a very small advantage will make him sell justice, and his own soul into the bargain. The design of the proverb is to warn men to take heed of the beginnings of that sin, and consequently of other sins.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:22

HATH AN EVIL EYE; is uncharitable to persons in want, envious towards those who get any thing besides him, and covetous or greedy of getting riches by all ways possible, whether just or unjust. Thus _an evil eye is taken_, PROVERBS 23:6 MATTHEW 20:15, as _a good eye_ notes the contrary disposition,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:23

AFTERWARDS; when he comes calmly to consider the fidelity of the reprover, and the benefit coming to himself by the reproof, and withal the baseness and mischief of flattery.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:24

SAITH IN HIS HEART, supposing that he hath a right to his father's goods. IS THE COMPANION OF A DESTROYER; either, 1. He hereby showeth that he is fallen into such wicked society, from whom he hath such counsel or example. Or, 2. He is no less guilty than a thief who robs and destroys men upon the... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:25

HE THAT IS OF A PROUD HEART, whose property it is to overvalue himself, and to trust to himself and his own wit, or wealth, or strength, stirreth up strife, because he makes it his great business to advance and please himself, and hateth and opposeth all that stand in his way, and despiseth other me... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:26

HE THAT TRUSTETH IN HIS OWN HEART; who trusts to his own wit, neglecting or slighting the advice of others, and the counsel of God himself. IS A FOOL; and shall receive the fruit of his folly, to wit, destruction. WHOSO WALKETH WISELY, distrusting his own judgment, and seeking the advice of others,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:27

SHALL NOT LACK; shall not impoverish himself by it, as covetous men imagine or pretend; but shall be enriched, which is implied. THAT HIDETH HIS EYES, lest he should see poor and miserable men, and thereby be moved to pity or obliged to relieve them. So he cunningly avoids the beginnings, and occasi... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 28:28

MEN HIDE THEMSELVES; men, i.e. righteous men, as appears from the following clause, are ashamed and afraid to appear publicly; of which SEE POOLE ON "PROVERBS 28:12". THE RIGHTEOUS INCREASE; they who were righteous do now again appear in public, and being advanced to that power which the wicked rule... [ Continue Reading ]

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