Judah, or Israel, as it is explained in the next clause; one tribe being put for all; which is a common synecdoche. Judah he mentions as the chief of all the tribes, not only in number and power, but also in dignity, in which the kingdom was to be seated, Genesis 49:10, &c., as at this time it actually was, and from which the Messias was to spring. His, i.e. God s, which is easily understood from the whole context, and from the nature of the thing. Sanctuary; or, holiness; the people of God's holiness, as they are called, Isaiah 63:18; or, his holy people, as Deuteronomy 26:19 Daniel 8:24; sanctified or set apart from all the nations of the world to be his peculiar people and possession. His dominion, in a peculiar manner, to be governed by his laws, and honoured with his special presence and favour.

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