Psalms 115:1

PSALM 115 THE ARGUMENT The occasion of this Psalm was to manifest some eminent danger or distress of the people of Israel from some idolatrous nations; but whether it was that mentioned 2CH 20, or what other, is but matter of conjecture, and not worth our inquiry. The church prayeth to God to keep t... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:2

WHEREFORE SHOULD THE HEATHEN SAY? why dost thou suffer them, or give them any colour or occasion, to say or think so, by conniving at their wickedness, and by giving thy people into their hands? WHERE IS NOW THEIR GOD? he is no where; he is lost, or at a loss, either unable, or unwilling, or not at... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:3

OUR GOD; whom, notwithstanding your reproaches, we are not ashamed to own for our God. IS IN THE HEAVENS; although he have no visible shape nor bodily presence with us here upon earth, as your idols have, which is a certain proof of their baseness and weakness, yet he hath a certain and a glorious p... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:4

Thus glorious and powerful is our God, O ye heathens, of whom you so boldly ask who and where he is; but as for your gods or idols, they have no power nor worth in them but what is taken from their materials. As their matter is wholly from the earth, so their form or figure they have from the art of... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:5

For although the blind heathen are by their idolatrous priests made to believe otherwise concerning their idols, in regard of the spirits which they pretend to dwell in them, yet this is the truth of the matter, and confirmed by long and constant experience, that they are but vain and senseless thin... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:7

SPEAK, or _mutter_, or _make a noise_, as this word signifies, ISAIAH 10:14. They are so far from speaking with their throat and other instruments of speech as men do, that they cannot make such an inarticulate and senseless sound with them as the beasts do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:8

THEY THAT MAKE THEM; or, _they that observe or worship them_. For the psalmist's quarrel was not so much with those few artists who formed the images, as with all the adorers of them. And the word here rendered _make_ doth sometimes signify to _worship_, as some understand it, not without probabilit... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:9

O ISRAEL, do not thou follow the example of these brutish idolaters, but serve the Lord only. THEIR HELP; who trust in God, as he now required. Or THEIR is put for _your_ by a change of persons, which is most frequent in Scripture, and especially in these books.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:10

You priests and Levites proceeding from Aaron, or related to him, who have special reason and many obligations to do it, who have a more distinct knowledge of God, which is the foundation of trust, PSALMS 9:10, and who are to be both instructors of and examples to the people in this as well as in ot... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:11

All and every one of you who worship the true God, not only Aaronites and Israelites, but even Gentile proselytes, who are said to _come to trust under the wings of the God of Israel_, RUTH 2:12. And such there were many at this time in the church of Israel, whom therefore he fitly invites to trust... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:12

HATH BEEN MINDFUL OF US in our former straits and calamities, and therefore we trust he will still BLESS US, & c. as it follows. Or, _is or will be mindful of us_. Though he hath chastened us sore, yet he hath not yet cast us out of the care of his providence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:14

SHALL INCREASE YOU in number, notwithstanding all the attempts of your enemies to diminish and destroy you. Or, _shall add to you_, to wit, further and greater blessings.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:15

Who therefore can bless you indeed in spite of all your enemies curses and oppositions; and not of an impotent idol, that can do you neither good nor hurt.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:16

ARE THE LORD S, to wit, in a peculiar manner, where he dwelleth in that light and glory to which no man can approach, and whence he beholdeth and disposeth all persons and things upon earth. BUT THE EARTH HATH HE GIVEN TO THE CHILDREN OF MEN, for their habitation, possession, and use. But these word... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 115:18

BUT WE WILL BLESS THE LORD; but we hope for better things, that notwithstanding our present and urgent danger, yet thou wilt deliver us, and so give us occasion to bless thy name; whereby thou wilt have the praise and glory of our deliverance.... [ Continue Reading ]

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