Thou art holy, i. e just and true in all thy ways, and therefore hearing prayers, and keeping thy covenant; a true lover of holiness, and of all holy men. This he adds, either,

1. To aggravate his misery, that such a God should neglect and forsake him. Or rather,

2. To strengthen his faith, and to enforce his prayers, and prevail with God, for the honour of his holy name, to hear and help him. That inhabitest the praises of Israel; either,

1. That dwellest in thy tabernacle and ark, which is called Israel's glory, 1 Samuel 4:21, and the place where God was praised, Isaiah 64:11. Or,

2. That receivest and rightly possessest the praises of Israel, whom the people are perpetually praising for one mercy or another; and therefore I trust I also shall have occasion to praise thee. But because this Hebrew verb, when it is used transitively, and is taken for inhabiting, is generally, as far as I have observed, construed with a preposition, which here it is not, this verse may seem to be better rendered thus, as it is by divers learned men, But thou abidest, or perseverest, or continuest to be (as this verb is used, Psalms 9:7, Psalms 55:19 102:12) holy, (notwithstanding thy present neglect of my prayers and miseries,) O the praises, or, O thou who art the praises, (or, and the praises, i.e. the great cause and object of the praises,) of Israel, i. e whom Israel solemnly and usually praised, Deuteronomy 10:21 Jeremiah 17:14.

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