Psalms 30:1

PSALM 30 _A Psalm and Song_; or, _A Psalm of Song_; i.e. either, 1. A Psalm to be sung with the voice to an instrument. Or, 2. A Psalm of joy and praise; for so this is. And this Hebrew word _schir_ may be here taken not simply for a song, but for a _joyful song_, as it is Genesis 31:27 Exodus 15:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:2

i.e. Delivered me from the fears and troubles of my mind, which are oft compared to diseases, and from very dangerous distempers of my body.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:3

THOU HAST BROUGHT UP MY SOUL FROM THE GRAVE; my deliverance is a kind of resurrection from the grave, upon the very brink whereof I was. THOU HAST KEPT ME ALIVE: this he adds to explain the former phrase, which was ambiguous. TO THE PIT, i.e. into the grave, which is oft called _the pit_, as PSALMS... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:4

Or, _at the mention_, &c.; when you call to mind, or when others celebrate, as I do, this day, the holiness of God's nature; which he demonstrates by his works, by his faithfulness, care, and kindness towards his holy ones.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:5

HIS ANGER ENDURETH BUT A MOMENT; commonly the afflictions which he sends upon his people are short, and last but for a few moments of their lives. IN HIS FAVOUR IS LIFE; or, _life_, i.e. our whole life, _is in his favour_, i.e. he heapeth his favours upon them, for the greatest part of their present... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:6

I thought myself past all danger of further changes, forgetting my own frailty, and the uncertainty of all worldly things.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:7

THOU HAST MADE MY MOUNTAIN TO STAND STRONG; thou hast so firmly settled me in my kingdom; which he calls his MOUNTAIN, partly because kingdoms are usually called mountains in prophetical writings, as PSALMS 46:3,4 ISA 2:2 JEREMIAH 51:25 DANIEL 2:34,35,44,45; and partly with respect to Mount Zion, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:9

WHAT PROFIT IS THERE, to wit, unto thee? as the latter part of the verse explains it. What wilt thou gain by it? IN MY BLOOD, i.e. in my violent death, as _blood_ is frequently used, as GENESIS 37:26 NUMBERS 35:33 JOSHUA 20:3 1 SAMUEL 25:26,33 MT 27:6. WHEN I GO DOWN TO THE PIT; when I die. SEE POOL... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:11

Having related his prayer, he now declares the gracious answer which God gave him. PUT OFF MY SACKCLOTH, i.e. given me occasion to put off that sackcloth, which they used to wear in times of mourning. See ESTHER 4:1 PSALMS 35:13 ISAIAH 32:11 JOEL 1:13. WITH GLADNESS; either with garments of gladness... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 30:12

MY GLORY; my soul; or rather, my tongue, to which both singing and silence most properly belong. SEE POOLE ON "PSALMS 7:5"; SEE POOLE ON "PSALMS 16:9".... [ Continue Reading ]

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